Mindfulness-based counseling: For better health of body and mind.
Mindful Body offers counseling for individuals who seek professional support in turbulent times or during inner strain. I am here for you - no matter where you are.
A more mindful approach to life.
Life is demanding and not always easy. At some points during our journey, we might find ourselves in need of someone to listen and to help us regain peace of mind. The approach of Mindful Body is infused with mindfulness-based practices, helping you to connect your mind with both body and soul, finding your strength within to cope with whatever troubles you right now…
Find mental ease and balance.
During your counseling, we will work on reconnecting your mind and body with your inner strength – no matter how far away this inner strength might feel from the place you are in now.
Strengthen well-being and reduce stress.
Being healthy is a process, not something solid or given. However unwell you might feel in a moment: things can become better. In your work with Mindful Body, we will draw on this part of you that is already and ultimately healthy.
Build a healthier and happier life.
Being mindful calms your mind and allows you to connect with yourself at a deeper level. A mind that is calm is more open and willing to change its old routines into new ways, eventually allowing you to grow into the person you want to be or solve that very specific thing that bothers you right now…