How to detox a toxic relationship
Relationships are never easy. But some are far more than temporarily difficult: some relationships are toxic, truly unhealthy for both or at least one partner. What can be done then? This is about a first step towards building a healthy relationship - especially with yourself!

What is holistic health?
You probably agree on the idea that body and mind are somehow connected. But why exactly is that true and how does it work? Find out why caring for you mental health and emotional well-being is maybe the best thing you can do to sustain and nurture your physical health…

What does Health Mean to You?
While living in a global pandemic, health and disease are bigger topics in the public discourse than ever before. I want to invite you to explore that very complex concept with me - finding that being healthy is a lot more than just being “not physically sick”

Are there “negative Emotions”?
Sometimes we confuse "unpleasant" feelings with "bad" feelings. As soon as we feel anxious, insecure or tense, we have the feeling that something is "wrong": with us or the situation. And that we would feel better if we could get rid of this feeling. How can we deal with these seemingly "negative emotions" that seemingly make our lives difficult?

How Mindfulness allows for better well-being and positive change.
Every change within us starts with taking on a new attitude, a new perspective. We take a step back and look again more closely. Just like we can look at ourselves in a mirror. We create space for inner growth when we learn to look at ourselves with a little distance. Admittedly, this is often challenging - but at the same time extremely valuable. We can all cultivate this ability of mindful self-distancing.